In light of an interview today between Chris Wallage of Fox News and DNC chairman and former Governor of VA, Tim Kaine I offer the following new mantra of the Democrat party:
"Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits."
(The Democrat mantra)
Kaine says Obama and the Democrat party have done much and those Democrats who are trying to distance themselves from Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their ilk should be proud to be Democrats.
Can drinking Kool Aid really make you that loopy and out of touch with reality?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Does it ever end with this administration?
Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services Posted: Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:00 am Comments
"PHOENIX - The Obama administration wants the U.S. Supreme Court to void Arizona's two-year-old employer-sanctions law, designed to punish companies that knowingly hire undocumented workers."
It just never ends with the Democrats and this Administration. They see every illegal Mexican in the U.S. as a potential voter for them. Every decision is based on how it will empower them.
"PHOENIX - The Obama administration wants the U.S. Supreme Court to void Arizona's two-year-old employer-sanctions law, designed to punish companies that knowingly hire undocumented workers."
It just never ends with the Democrats and this Administration. They see every illegal Mexican in the U.S. as a potential voter for them. Every decision is based on how it will empower them.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Like open borders? Think Arizona's law is a bad idea? This is what is happening in Mexico
From Fox News:
"8 Killed, 18 Wounded in Massacre at Mexican Bar
A band of armed men shot and killed eight people in a bar in northern Mexico and wounded 18 others in the latest outbreak of violence in the country, officials said Saturday.
recommend (0)
A band of armed men shot and killed eight people in a bar in northern Mexico and wounded 18 others in the latest outbreak of violence in the country, officials said Saturday.
Authorities said the victims at the bar in Torreon, in the northern state of Coahuila near the U.S. border, ranged in age from 15 to 33.
A local official said four gunmen arrived in a van and "opened fire first on security personnel and then inside the bar."
More than 22,700 people have died in spiraling drug violence in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched a military crackdown on organized crime, according to official figures."
Did you read that number, 22,700? It's going to get worse.
"8 Killed, 18 Wounded in Massacre at Mexican Bar
A band of armed men shot and killed eight people in a bar in northern Mexico and wounded 18 others in the latest outbreak of violence in the country, officials said Saturday.
recommend (0)
A band of armed men shot and killed eight people in a bar in northern Mexico and wounded 18 others in the latest outbreak of violence in the country, officials said Saturday.
Authorities said the victims at the bar in Torreon, in the northern state of Coahuila near the U.S. border, ranged in age from 15 to 33.
A local official said four gunmen arrived in a van and "opened fire first on security personnel and then inside the bar."
More than 22,700 people have died in spiraling drug violence in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched a military crackdown on organized crime, according to official figures."
Did you read that number, 22,700? It's going to get worse.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mexicans protesting enforcement of immigration laws
Jamar Younger Arizona Daily Star Posted: Sunday, May 2, 2010 12:00 am
“Three suspected illegal immigrants were in custody Saturday as "persons of interest" in the shooting of a Pinal County deputy near Casa Grande, authorities said.”
That story isn’t an anomaly; it’s the norm in Arizona, yet I just watched former Arizona governor Janet Napalitano look into the camera on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and say things are better and the border has never been safer. Are you smoking crack, Janet?
I live in Arizona and I see the effects of a border unchecked. I don’t have to listen to the bravo sierra of Janet Napolitano to know what the negative effects are.
How about the refried beans smeared into the shape of a swastika or the water bottles thrown at police at protests in Phoenix, AZ? Apparently it was no big deal to our lame-stream media. I can tell you that if the Tea Party folks would have done anything even close to this they would have been short-stroking that story and saying this just shows what kind of people the Tea Party folks are. The Democrats and talking heads would have been having a field day.
We didn’t see this though, did we?
As we look at the protest marches there is no shortage of Mexican flags and people pumping their fists in the air. How would the Mexican government handle this if it were Americans were waving American flags and pumping their fists in the air while protesting? That’s a rehetorical question. We already know the answer. We wouldn’t be coddled like Mexicans are here in America.
“Three suspected illegal immigrants were in custody Saturday as "persons of interest" in the shooting of a Pinal County deputy near Casa Grande, authorities said.”
That story isn’t an anomaly; it’s the norm in Arizona, yet I just watched former Arizona governor Janet Napalitano look into the camera on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and say things are better and the border has never been safer. Are you smoking crack, Janet?
I live in Arizona and I see the effects of a border unchecked. I don’t have to listen to the bravo sierra of Janet Napolitano to know what the negative effects are.
How about the refried beans smeared into the shape of a swastika or the water bottles thrown at police at protests in Phoenix, AZ? Apparently it was no big deal to our lame-stream media. I can tell you that if the Tea Party folks would have done anything even close to this they would have been short-stroking that story and saying this just shows what kind of people the Tea Party folks are. The Democrats and talking heads would have been having a field day.
We didn’t see this though, did we?
As we look at the protest marches there is no shortage of Mexican flags and people pumping their fists in the air. How would the Mexican government handle this if it were Americans were waving American flags and pumping their fists in the air while protesting? That’s a rehetorical question. We already know the answer. We wouldn’t be coddled like Mexicans are here in America.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Geico announcer fired.
D.C. Douglas, the announcer for Geico Insurance was fired after leaving a voicemail asking "the percentage of people that [sic] are mentally retarded who are working for FreedomWorks and who are followin it." He has since said that he "inquired to their intelligence level."
His voicemail also played the same psycobabel we hear from the anti-gun crowd. Instead of saying, "there will be blood in the streets, fender-bender shooting and people will kill their own family members, this sagaciously-challenged moron wants to know how FreedomWorks and the teaparty crowd will "spin it when one of your members actually kill somebody..."
To Geico's credit, they held auditions the following day to replace Douglas.
We have already seen the idiot teacher from Oregon who was suspended after posting messages saying he was going to infiltrate the tea party movement gathering, dressed like Hitler, carrying racist signs with misspellings in order to make it appear he represented those members.
With all the attempts to discredit members of the tea party movement it's clear who the real wackos are.
His voicemail also played the same psycobabel we hear from the anti-gun crowd. Instead of saying, "there will be blood in the streets, fender-bender shooting and people will kill their own family members, this sagaciously-challenged moron wants to know how FreedomWorks and the teaparty crowd will "spin it when one of your members actually kill somebody..."
To Geico's credit, they held auditions the following day to replace Douglas.
We have already seen the idiot teacher from Oregon who was suspended after posting messages saying he was going to infiltrate the tea party movement gathering, dressed like Hitler, carrying racist signs with misspellings in order to make it appear he represented those members.
With all the attempts to discredit members of the tea party movement it's clear who the real wackos are.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
So this is what you want in the U.S., eh?
From breaking news on A.P.
7 Mexican police officers killed in Ciudad Juarez
Associated Press
Gunmen ambushed two police vehicles at a busy intersection in this drug- and violence-plagued city, killing seven officers and a 17-year-old boy who was passing by, authorities said.
So these are those jobs that us Americans don't want to do, eh?
I'm tired of hearing those who have no problem with illegals in this country telling us that we're racist for opposing it. This isn't racism; it's the cold, hard facts.
7 Mexican police officers killed in Ciudad Juarez
Associated Press
Gunmen ambushed two police vehicles at a busy intersection in this drug- and violence-plagued city, killing seven officers and a 17-year-old boy who was passing by, authorities said.
So these are those jobs that us Americans don't want to do, eh?
I'm tired of hearing those who have no problem with illegals in this country telling us that we're racist for opposing it. This isn't racism; it's the cold, hard facts.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
We want to be Americans

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"We just want to be Americans." How many times have we heard that Mexicans in this country illegally just want to become Americans? Really? Then why is it that every time they're telling us that they're waving the Mexican flag and pumping their fists in the air? How would I be treated if I was in Mexico, waving an American flag and protesting? It's a rhetorical question because we both know the answer to that question. I would be dead or in a Mexican jail and not treated with the kindness and kid (pardon the pun) gloves that these teens are being met with.
The Arizona Daily Star article shows a group of about 40 Tucson High students who walked out of their classes to join a reported 100 or so more teens at Armory park in Tucson to protest AZ state senate bill 1070.
The AZ Star article says "SB 1070 would overrule any policy or procedure of a city council or police department that keeps officers from enforcing federal immigration laws."
I have some thoughts on the subject (who knew?). Let's begin with the definition of illegal:Adjective; prohibited by law; against the law; unlawful; illicit; also, not authorized or sanctioned, as by rules.It is illegal for citizens of Mexico or any other country to enter the United States illegally. Entering the U.S. without proper documentation is illegal and therefore subject to criminal prosecution. Why are we even discussing this issue? Should we also have protests to prevent the police from enforcing drunk driving laws or other laws that are in place?
We're constantly told that we can't just deport these folks who are here illegall because, "They're just here doing those jobs that us Americans don't want to do and it would break up families."
Why not? Did they not know they were breaking the law when they snuck into the U.S.? Should rapists and murders also be spared in the name of not wanting to break families up? Sound like a ridiculous analogy? I don't think so. As a matter of fact, many of those here illegally are people who have raped and murdered and then use the border like a turn style at Disneyland to avoid prosecution.
Are some Mexicans here illegally who are just trying to earn a better living? Sure, but they are still here illegally and need to go through the proper channels. I will acknowledge that the immigration system is in need of overhaul. That doesn't mean that it be streamlined to allow an expressway to the U.S. There are reasons for immigration policy. We can't allow the U.S. to become even more over-populated with immigrants. We only have so many resources available and those resources should go to those in this country legally.
If you don't live in Arizona you may not be cognizant of the violence that comes across the Mexican border. And I'm up to here with those who claim enforcement of immigration laws are "mean-spirited"! Pima County Sheriff's Department had to add one sergeant and 7 deputies because fully 37% of the violent crimes in Pima County, where Tucson, AZ is located is committed by Mexicans here illegally.How about the red light runner cameras designed to catch red light runners? Mexicans here illegally don't have to worry about it because Mexico won't share the info with the U.S. that would show who owned the vehicle. It doesn't end there. It goes much, much further.
A Douglas, AZ rancher was just murdered and they traced the tracks back to the Mexican border. This is far from an isolated incident. Why should the Mexican here illegally receive preferential treatment over other groups of individuals here illegally?
Another comment I have is about the teens who decided to skip class at school and carry Mexican flags and pump their fists in the air. I would opine you couldn't find a handful of them who could give you a cogent argument about why immigration law should be ignored nor could you find a single one who could present a valid argument as to why ignoring the law is good for America.
Some things never change. These are a bunch of rebels without a clue, it got them out of class, albeit it wasn't authorized by the school and will be an unexcused absence and it fed their need for behaving badly. It's the same mentality that causes basketball fans to overturn cars and set fire to things when their team wins the championship. The same group will behave the same way if their team loses the championship. Everything and anything is an excuse to behave badly. By the way, note the average age of these "demonstrators". 14-15 years old by my guess. I also wonder how many of them have parents or family members who are in this country illegally.
Lord knows I've organized my share of protest marches. I've organized large demonstrations when Sarah Brady came to town. I've done the same when the so-called, "million moms" wanted to march. The difference being they were organized protests, I was able to provide a valid position and even more; I wasn't protesting against enforcement of an illegal activity.
Several years ago Ronald Reagan offered up an amnesty that was suppose to be the amnesty to end amnesties for those here illegally. Obviously, it didn't end the flow of illegals coming into the U.S. Rest assured if we had another amnesty it wouldn't slow the flow one iota.
We need to start enforcing our immigration laws. If not now, when?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rush gives the President thanks
President Obama says the American people should be thanking him.
Here is Rush Limbaugh thanking him for us.
Here is Rush Limbaugh thanking him for us.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Phil Mickelson Wins the Masters; or did he?
Phil Mickelson Wins the Masters but it's rumored that the 'green jacket' will go to Barack Obama to sit next to his Nobel Peace prize because... well, just because he's Barack.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Obama's new nuclear policy leaves Americans vulnerable.
Fox News reports:
"President Obama's decision to reverse 65 years of U.S. nuclear weapons policy and drop most of the nation's deterrence capacity has alarmed critics who say they fear that the United States will now be more vulnerable to attack from would-be nuclear nations."
There are those who would question the President's motives for leaving America extremely vulnerable to attack by our enemies. Why on earth would they think such a thing?
"President Obama's decision to reverse 65 years of U.S. nuclear weapons policy and drop most of the nation's deterrence capacity has alarmed critics who say they fear that the United States will now be more vulnerable to attack from would-be nuclear nations."
There are those who would question the President's motives for leaving America extremely vulnerable to attack by our enemies. Why on earth would they think such a thing?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"We report -- You decide."
Is Obama a Muslim?
"We report -- You decide."
--Fox News slogan
Please visit the following site and decide for yourself:
"We report -- You decide."
--Fox News slogan
Please visit the following site and decide for yourself:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wait, I'm starting to warm up to this new health care monstrosity
I was vehemently opposed to this piece of dung health care that Obama and the rest of the snake-oil peddlers in Washington were peddling.
I may have changed my mind, though. Let me see if I have this correct:
The fine for not having the insurance is $95.00 -- much less than the cost of getting insurance.
Sooooooo, I can wait till I get sick and then get the insurance, since they can't turn me down. Sweet!
I may have changed my mind, though. Let me see if I have this correct:
The fine for not having the insurance is $95.00 -- much less than the cost of getting insurance.
Sooooooo, I can wait till I get sick and then get the insurance, since they can't turn me down. Sweet!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
To uphold the Constitution when we damn well feel like it.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the treasonous Democrats finally got their wish. They got the votes for their so-called Health Care Reform.They have done every Chicago-style back-room deal needed in order to accomplish their goal. They have violated the Constitution of the United States up one side and down the other. They have lied to the American people unabated.These treasonous criminals should be held accountable, not only at the ballot box but in the courtrooms, as well. They all took an oath of office, swearing to uphold the Constituion of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Not just when it's convenient for them. It is imperative that we hold every one of them accountable at election time.
"There are no rules..."
Democrat Alcee Hastings says that when it comes to the Dem's health care bill "There are no rules. We're trying to get something done. We're making this up as we go along."
Check out the following link to see it in straight from the horse's mouth (or other orifice).
Check out the following link to see it in straight from the horse's mouth (or other orifice).
Check out my other blog, But that's just me 2.
After this blog started giving me problems and wouldn't allow me to manage my own blog I created a 2nd blog called, But that's just me 2.
Please visit that blog at:
There is fun and games as well as polls. Be a part of it.
It's more fun than a trip to Disneyland.
Please visit that blog at:
There is fun and games as well as polls. Be a part of it.
It's more fun than a trip to Disneyland.
There will be no place left to go.
"After America , There is No Place to Go
The author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I encourage everybody to read this article and pass it along. I see so many parallels in this country–are we going to sit by and watch it happen? Spread the word; also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they don’t do what they should. If you do not want to be bothered, then you are part of the problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and videos.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don 't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books. I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote.. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force. In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria . We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service. Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children: Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home: In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls: Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined: In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps . The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration.. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria . Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, had we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
"It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity."
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don 't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America , There is No Place to Go"
The author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I encourage everybody to read this article and pass it along. I see so many parallels in this country–are we going to sit by and watch it happen? Spread the word; also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they don’t do what they should. If you do not want to be bothered, then you are part of the problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and videos.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don 't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books. I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote.. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force. In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria . We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service. Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children: Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home: In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls: Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined: In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps . The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration.. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria . Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, had we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
"It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity."
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don 't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America , There is No Place to Go"
Saturday, March 13, 2010
"Stimulus money" fat with waist
$16M in federal grant money has just been given to Pima County (Tucson, AZ) to battle obesity, according to a Arizona Daily Star article.
When is someone going to stop this insanity!
Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz, a man who was once on the Pima County Board of Supervisors and voted to waste taxpayer money on a so-called gun 'buy-back', the grant is 'expected' (the key code word is, expected) to create 155 jobs over the next two years; at least that's what he's claiming.
Pleeeeeeeeeease! I could spread this bravo sierra on my yard and have the greenest lawn in town.
If the Republicans tried this crap (pardon the pun), they would be crucified by the Dems and the media. You can watch these people in interviews and they will look right at the camera and spray (to use the term of the media when referring to semi-auto firearms) the most absurd nonsense one could ever imagine. There is no way that anyone with an IQ in at least the double digits can even pretend to take their claims seriously.
When is someone going to stop this insanity!
Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz, a man who was once on the Pima County Board of Supervisors and voted to waste taxpayer money on a so-called gun 'buy-back', the grant is 'expected' (the key code word is, expected) to create 155 jobs over the next two years; at least that's what he's claiming.
Pleeeeeeeeeease! I could spread this bravo sierra on my yard and have the greenest lawn in town.
If the Republicans tried this crap (pardon the pun), they would be crucified by the Dems and the media. You can watch these people in interviews and they will look right at the camera and spray (to use the term of the media when referring to semi-auto firearms) the most absurd nonsense one could ever imagine. There is no way that anyone with an IQ in at least the double digits can even pretend to take their claims seriously.
Monday, March 8, 2010
'If you want something done right; do it yourself.'
Fox News reports the following:
DALLAS — Police say a gunman stormed an office tower in North Dallas, shooting a father and a son, reports.
Authorities say the gunman shot a 63-year-old man in the legs and his 39-year-old son in the neck at a business they own on the third floor.
Dallas Police Lt. Andrew Harvey said the gunman pointed his gun at arriving police, who fired at him and missed. The suspect then shot himself, police said.
DALLAS — Police say a gunman stormed an office tower in North Dallas, shooting a father and a son, reports.
Authorities say the gunman shot a 63-year-old man in the legs and his 39-year-old son in the neck at a business they own on the third floor.
Dallas Police Lt. Andrew Harvey said the gunman pointed his gun at arriving police, who fired at him and missed. The suspect then shot himself, police said.
Do you really think anyone from ACORN will actually be brought to justice?
A Fox News report says five people from Wisconsin have been charged with multiple felony accounts for registering people to vote multiple times; including each other.
The story says they even registered each other multiple times in order to meet quotas.
Two questions that come to my mine are, does anyone really think they will actually be brought to justice by this administration when ACORN has done so much to bring Obama to power and does anyone really believe they wouldn't do it, again?
ACORN has been caught in one scandal after another; yet they seem to be untouchable. It would ACORN and this entire administration is surrounded in scandal. Any criticism of ACORN or Obama's policies is met with charges of racism, however. It would seem there can be no substantive criticism of ACORN or this administration without them trying to draw you into defending yourself against charges of racism instead of addressing discussing policy.
The story says they even registered each other multiple times in order to meet quotas.
Two questions that come to my mine are, does anyone really think they will actually be brought to justice by this administration when ACORN has done so much to bring Obama to power and does anyone really believe they wouldn't do it, again?
ACORN has been caught in one scandal after another; yet they seem to be untouchable. It would ACORN and this entire administration is surrounded in scandal. Any criticism of ACORN or Obama's policies is met with charges of racism, however. It would seem there can be no substantive criticism of ACORN or this administration without them trying to draw you into defending yourself against charges of racism instead of addressing discussing policy.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
To serve, protect and cover up?
"Former New Orleans Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Cover Up the Danziger Bridge Shootings"
You really need to read this one for yourself.
Contrary to popular belief, some cops are dishonest. That isn't to say all cops are dirty. But please don't fall into believing that cops don't lie.
Case in point:
In 1994 I was charged with illegally carrying a concealed firearm and disorderly conduct.
These are the facts of the case:
I had just returned from the indoor shooting range and had backed into my driveway at home. I opened the door to my pickup truck, reached over on the seat to get my Firestar .45 compact semi-auto pistol. I placed it in an inside-the-pants holster located behind my back and under my shirt. It should be noted that it was already legal to carry concealed in your home, your place of business or property leased or owned by you.
In short, no law was broken.
As I backed out of my truck I heard someone shout, "Please step away from the truck, sir!" As I turned to see where the voice came from I saw 5 police officers pointing their weapons at me. I was trying to figure out what this was all about.
Officer Plumb asked me to walk toward him as the other officers continued to point their firearms at me. He asked if I had a firearm. I replied in the affirmative. He asked where it was. I told him. He asked if it was loaded. I told him there was a magazine in the firearm, the receiver was empty and the safety was on.
He stood in front of me and reached behind me, where I told him the firearm was. Not a very bright idea, given I have been a martial arts instructor for many years and it would have been easy for me to subdue him and use him as a shield, if that was my intent.
He asked if I had a permit to carry concealed. I told him there were no permits in Arizona at that time. He said, "Yes, there is." I said, "No, there isn't. Governor Fife Symington has signed the bill but the packets aren't even available. I can sight ARS 13-3102 and it's subsections for you." He said, "I didn't know that." I said, "So you don't know the law but you're going to site me?"
He said, "I'm also going to charge you with disorderly conduct." I said, "Oh, really; for what?"
He informed me that he was going to cite me for disorderly conduct for (wait for it), "recklessly displaying a concealed firearm." Huh?? How do you recklessly display a concealed firearm?
It seems the nexus for all of this was two young kids told their parents that they saw a man with a long black shotgun. I had a very compact stainless .45. That may have been a hint that you may have the wrong guy.
Fast forward to 2 days later when I received a copy of the official police report. According to the police report, when officer Plumb arrived, I was in the street talking to my wife and a neighbor.
Fact: I was 36 feet inside my own property and my wife and neighbor were 50 feet away on my neighbor's property.
He said I began walking toward my property to get away from him, he stopped me and I told him that he was on private property. His report claims he told me that I was just in the street and I said, "Oh". He went on to say that I began reaching behind my back, he stopped me and found a concealed firearm.
Enough of this bravo sierra. Fast forward one year in Tucson City Court. Plumb brings another officer with him to substantiate his lie.
Happily, I had a judge who was sharp enough to take notes. He asked Officer Plumb's fellow officer, "Officer Gin, you must have made hundreds of stops since then. How are you remembering all the details of the case? Are you reviewing the other officer's notes?"
Gin replied, "No, your honor." "Well, you did file a report didn't you, Officer Gin?", the judge asked. "Ah, I suppose so, your honor.", Gin replied. "Well, where do you suppose your report is?" "Ah, I don't know, your honor."
The judge said, "Ya know, I take pretty good notes and I know when I'm intentionally being misled. Not guilty. Have the defendant's firearm back in the property room for him to pick it up this afternoon."
Hate to burst your bubble, folks, but this is the real world.
Are all cops bad? No, but all cops aren't good, either.
You really need to read this one for yourself.
Contrary to popular belief, some cops are dishonest. That isn't to say all cops are dirty. But please don't fall into believing that cops don't lie.
Case in point:
In 1994 I was charged with illegally carrying a concealed firearm and disorderly conduct.
These are the facts of the case:
I had just returned from the indoor shooting range and had backed into my driveway at home. I opened the door to my pickup truck, reached over on the seat to get my Firestar .45 compact semi-auto pistol. I placed it in an inside-the-pants holster located behind my back and under my shirt. It should be noted that it was already legal to carry concealed in your home, your place of business or property leased or owned by you.
In short, no law was broken.
As I backed out of my truck I heard someone shout, "Please step away from the truck, sir!" As I turned to see where the voice came from I saw 5 police officers pointing their weapons at me. I was trying to figure out what this was all about.
Officer Plumb asked me to walk toward him as the other officers continued to point their firearms at me. He asked if I had a firearm. I replied in the affirmative. He asked where it was. I told him. He asked if it was loaded. I told him there was a magazine in the firearm, the receiver was empty and the safety was on.
He stood in front of me and reached behind me, where I told him the firearm was. Not a very bright idea, given I have been a martial arts instructor for many years and it would have been easy for me to subdue him and use him as a shield, if that was my intent.
He asked if I had a permit to carry concealed. I told him there were no permits in Arizona at that time. He said, "Yes, there is." I said, "No, there isn't. Governor Fife Symington has signed the bill but the packets aren't even available. I can sight ARS 13-3102 and it's subsections for you." He said, "I didn't know that." I said, "So you don't know the law but you're going to site me?"
He said, "I'm also going to charge you with disorderly conduct." I said, "Oh, really; for what?"
He informed me that he was going to cite me for disorderly conduct for (wait for it), "recklessly displaying a concealed firearm." Huh?? How do you recklessly display a concealed firearm?
It seems the nexus for all of this was two young kids told their parents that they saw a man with a long black shotgun. I had a very compact stainless .45. That may have been a hint that you may have the wrong guy.
Fast forward to 2 days later when I received a copy of the official police report. According to the police report, when officer Plumb arrived, I was in the street talking to my wife and a neighbor.
Fact: I was 36 feet inside my own property and my wife and neighbor were 50 feet away on my neighbor's property.
He said I began walking toward my property to get away from him, he stopped me and I told him that he was on private property. His report claims he told me that I was just in the street and I said, "Oh". He went on to say that I began reaching behind my back, he stopped me and found a concealed firearm.
Enough of this bravo sierra. Fast forward one year in Tucson City Court. Plumb brings another officer with him to substantiate his lie.
Happily, I had a judge who was sharp enough to take notes. He asked Officer Plumb's fellow officer, "Officer Gin, you must have made hundreds of stops since then. How are you remembering all the details of the case? Are you reviewing the other officer's notes?"
Gin replied, "No, your honor." "Well, you did file a report didn't you, Officer Gin?", the judge asked. "Ah, I suppose so, your honor.", Gin replied. "Well, where do you suppose your report is?" "Ah, I don't know, your honor."
The judge said, "Ya know, I take pretty good notes and I know when I'm intentionally being misled. Not guilty. Have the defendant's firearm back in the property room for him to pick it up this afternoon."
Hate to burst your bubble, folks, but this is the real world.
Are all cops bad? No, but all cops aren't good, either.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Samuel Colt and Valentine's Day

While I often lament over what to get my perfect gal on Valentine's Day, often falling back on roses, chocolate or dinner, this year there was a scary reason my lovely bride dropped hints that she wanted a gun more easily carried than her Colt Commander 1911.
We live quite a few miles apart, unfortunately, and a serial rapist has struck more than two dozen times in the rural area in which she's living to care of our handicapped daughter and our four grandsons. I'm 6 1/2 hours away on a good day. When a rapist strikes, 1 second is too far and 911 is too late.
This jerk, who apparently walks to his victim's homes or apartments (so there's no vehicle description), has begun severely beating the women afterward. The 1911 is undeniably one of the best self-defense firearms ever designed, but it's heavy enough that a woman might think twice before tossing it in her purse if she has a CCW. It adds bulk to a girlish figure and our daughter is a quadraplegic, so getting her in and out of the van and through stores is exhausting enough without John Moses Browning's ultimate design adding to the workout.
So this year, instead of roses or even a card, I bought her a Ruger LCR. It's not nearly as "modern" as Browning's 100-year-old design, but it has some twists. It's double-action-only and hammerless, so if a bad guy shows up, she can run the gun from her purse without ever removing it, knowing all five shots will rotate into battery because there's no slide or hammer to get caught up in that purse's clutter.
As for the fine folks who don't think guns are the answer, I've been blessed enough to become friends with a variety of handicapped people who have routinely carried guns. I also got to see some of them draw on bad guys. When they pulled, bigger and more muscular, fully ambulatory criminals cowered and ran. The quote about Colt is right.
My wonderful daughter's fingers no longer work, so she doesn't qualify, but I'm glad to know my wife has her covered with a lightweight Valentine's Day gift chambered in .38 Spl. +P.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Doctors with no patience for patients
Fox News is reporting that some doctors are now asking you to sign an agreement that you won't share your concerns with your care on the Internet, chat rooms, etc. If you refuse to sign it they will refuse to treat you.
Ironic isn't it? The paperwork you sign as a new patient says that the doctor will share your medical information with everyone and their brother.
It has yet to be determined whether this move can be held up in court or not.
Ironic isn't it? The paperwork you sign as a new patient says that the doctor will share your medical information with everyone and their brother.
It has yet to be determined whether this move can be held up in court or not.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
White House says Stimulus had 'Undeniable' impact on economy.
According to a article White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says Obama's Stimulus had 'undeniable' impact on economy.
Finally, something I can agree with Gibbs on. No kidding, Sparky; it destroyed the nation's economy. They also keep claiming that Obama has created 2 million jobs. Are they on crack or do they believe the country is smoking crack?
Finally, something I can agree with Gibbs on. No kidding, Sparky; it destroyed the nation's economy. They also keep claiming that Obama has created 2 million jobs. Are they on crack or do they believe the country is smoking crack?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Great quote
"I take exception to folks saying that Bernanke, Obama, Reid and Pelosi are spending like drunken sailors. When I was a drunken sailor, I quit spending when I ran out of money." Sen. John McCain
Uncle Sam's Plantation
The following article is from syndicated columnist, Star Parker. It's a great read.
Here is a young black liberal, who has been in the system, and through experience and education,
has seen the problems with the government hand out programs and socialist attitudes. Makes for
interesting and informed reading.
Six years ago I wrote a book called "Uncle Sam's Plantation." I wrote the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it.
I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas. A poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism.
I talked about government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing, and Food Stamps.
A vast sea of perhaps well intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960's, that were going to lift the nation's poor out of poverty.
A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from "How do I take care of myself?" to "What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?"
Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems. The kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others.
The legacy of American socialism is our blighted inner cities, dysfunctional inner city schools, and broken black families.
Through God's grace, I found my way out. It was then that I understood what freedom meant and how great this country is.
I had the privilege of working on welfare reform in 1996, passed by a Republican congress and signed into law by a Democrat president. A few years after enactment, welfare roles were down fifty percent.
I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of our poor black communities and replacing it with wealth producing American capitalism.
But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction.
Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich American on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism.
Uncle Sam has welcomed our banks onto the plantation and they have said, "Thank you, Suh."
Now, instead of thinking about what creative things need to be done to serve customers, they are thinking about what they have to tell Massah in order to get their cash.
There is some kind of irony that this is all happening under our first black president on the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.
Worse, socialism seems to be the element of our new young president. And maybe even more troubling, our corporate executives seem happy to move onto the plantation.
In an op-ed on the opinion page of the Washington Post, Mr. Obama is clear that the goal of his trillion dollar spending plan is much more than short term economic stimulus.
"This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending-it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, health care, and education."
Perhaps more incredibly, Obama seems to think that government taking over an economy is a new idea. Or that massive growth in government can take place "with unprecedented transparency and accountability."
Yes, sir, we heard it from Jimmy Carter when he created the Department of Energy, the Synfuels Corporation, and the Department of Education.
Or how about the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 -- The War on Poverty -- which President Johnson said "...does not merely expand old programs or improve what is already being done. It charts a new course. It strikes at the causes, not just the consequences of poverty."
Trillions of dollars later, black poverty is the same. But black families are not, with triple the incidence of single parent homes and out of wedlock births.
It's not complicated. Americans can accept Barack Obama's invitation to move onto the plantation. Or they can choose personal responsibility and freedom.
Does anyone really need to think about what the choice should be?
Star Parker is president of the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education
Here is a young black liberal, who has been in the system, and through experience and education,
has seen the problems with the government hand out programs and socialist attitudes. Makes for
interesting and informed reading.
Six years ago I wrote a book called "Uncle Sam's Plantation." I wrote the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it.
I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas. A poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism.
I talked about government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing, and Food Stamps.
A vast sea of perhaps well intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960's, that were going to lift the nation's poor out of poverty.
A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from "How do I take care of myself?" to "What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?"
Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems. The kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others.
The legacy of American socialism is our blighted inner cities, dysfunctional inner city schools, and broken black families.
Through God's grace, I found my way out. It was then that I understood what freedom meant and how great this country is.
I had the privilege of working on welfare reform in 1996, passed by a Republican congress and signed into law by a Democrat president. A few years after enactment, welfare roles were down fifty percent.
I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of our poor black communities and replacing it with wealth producing American capitalism.
But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction.
Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich American on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism.
Uncle Sam has welcomed our banks onto the plantation and they have said, "Thank you, Suh."
Now, instead of thinking about what creative things need to be done to serve customers, they are thinking about what they have to tell Massah in order to get their cash.
There is some kind of irony that this is all happening under our first black president on the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln.
Worse, socialism seems to be the element of our new young president. And maybe even more troubling, our corporate executives seem happy to move onto the plantation.
In an op-ed on the opinion page of the Washington Post, Mr. Obama is clear that the goal of his trillion dollar spending plan is much more than short term economic stimulus.
"This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending-it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, health care, and education."
Perhaps more incredibly, Obama seems to think that government taking over an economy is a new idea. Or that massive growth in government can take place "with unprecedented transparency and accountability."
Yes, sir, we heard it from Jimmy Carter when he created the Department of Energy, the Synfuels Corporation, and the Department of Education.
Or how about the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 -- The War on Poverty -- which President Johnson said "...does not merely expand old programs or improve what is already being done. It charts a new course. It strikes at the causes, not just the consequences of poverty."
Trillions of dollars later, black poverty is the same. But black families are not, with triple the incidence of single parent homes and out of wedlock births.
It's not complicated. Americans can accept Barack Obama's invitation to move onto the plantation. Or they can choose personal responsibility and freedom.
Does anyone really need to think about what the choice should be?
Star Parker is president of the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education
Sunday, February 14, 2010
"Only the police should have firearms."
We've all heard the mantra of the anti-gun crowd who like to tell us that only the police and military should have firearms. We don't need one; just dial 911.
This Fox News story shows exactly why I'm not buying it.
"Gun rights advocates have a California police detective in their crosshairs after he apparently posted comments on Facebook advocating that "open carry" supporters should be shot."
Of course the odds of you having a concealed carry firearm to protect yourself are the same I'd give a snowball in hell.,2933,585807,00.html
This Fox News story shows exactly why I'm not buying it.
"Gun rights advocates have a California police detective in their crosshairs after he apparently posted comments on Facebook advocating that "open carry" supporters should be shot."
Of course the odds of you having a concealed carry firearm to protect yourself are the same I'd give a snowball in hell.,2933,585807,00.html
Who is trying to re-write history?
That must be some good stuff that our gaff-master, Joe Biden is smoking. He was quoted as saying, "I don't know where Dick Cheney has been. Look, it's one thing again to criticize. It's another thing to sort of rewrite history. What is he talking about?" Biden said.
Huh? Perhaps 'Ol Joe' doesn't realize that the rest of us actually get our news from media outlets that aren't in the tank for this administration.
Biden is apparently trying out for the remake of The Wizard of Oz.
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
--The great and powerful Oz (and apparently Joe Biden)
Huh? Perhaps 'Ol Joe' doesn't realize that the rest of us actually get our news from media outlets that aren't in the tank for this administration.
Biden is apparently trying out for the remake of The Wizard of Oz.
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
--The great and powerful Oz (and apparently Joe Biden)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Quote of the week
The following quote is attributed fo Burt Prelutsky of the LA. Times:
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have astrange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm notbragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comesclose. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we'renumber one. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone sawthe likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, they werestirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The three of themare like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know ifyou should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at theirability to form words." Burt Prelutsky Columnist, Los Angeles Times
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have astrange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm notbragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comesclose. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we'renumber one. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone sawthe likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, they werestirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The three of themare like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know ifyou should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at theirability to form words." Burt Prelutsky Columnist, Los Angeles Times
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Gibbs tries his 'hand' at humor
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs recently tried his hand at being a comedian.
In an attempt at taking a swipe at Sarah Palin Gibbs wrote his grocery list on the palm of his hand. The list included eggs, milk, bread (crossed out) and Hope and Change.
Perhaps Gibbs should try replacing his grocery list with the following:
Fix the economy
Work on getting jobs for people who actually believed Obama's message of 'hope and change'
Keep working on ramming health care bill down America's throat (crossed out)
Quit blaming Bush for everything from the economy to acne.
Tell Obama to keep his feet off the desk in Oval Office
Teach President how to properly pronounce the word, "corpsman" without pronouncing the "P"
I know comedians. Mr. Gibbs; you're no comedian.
In an attempt at taking a swipe at Sarah Palin Gibbs wrote his grocery list on the palm of his hand. The list included eggs, milk, bread (crossed out) and Hope and Change.
Perhaps Gibbs should try replacing his grocery list with the following:
Fix the economy
Work on getting jobs for people who actually believed Obama's message of 'hope and change'
Keep working on ramming health care bill down America's throat (crossed out)
Quit blaming Bush for everything from the economy to acne.
Tell Obama to keep his feet off the desk in Oval Office
Teach President how to properly pronounce the word, "corpsman" without pronouncing the "P"
I know comedians. Mr. Gibbs; you're no comedian.
First Lady says hubby has had a "Phenomenal Year"
First Lady, Michelle Obama claims her husband has had a "phenomenal year".
The comments were made in an interview broadcast on ABC's Good Morning America.
Amazingly, I agree with her. He's managed to do more to destroy this great country in one year than the Commies could do in decades.
The comments were made in an interview broadcast on ABC's Good Morning America.
Amazingly, I agree with her. He's managed to do more to destroy this great country in one year than the Commies could do in decades.
What does this tell us about Obama?

The following comments came with an email and photo that was forwarded to me. I didn't author the comments, but I do agree with them:
"Does this photo of President Obama in the Oval Office convey anything about his attitude?
Would you speak with the Chief of Staff, your Chief Economics Adviser, your Senior Adviser, or anyone, with your feet up on the Resolute Desk - a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880?
This arrogant, immature, self-centered man has no sense of honor, or simple decency.
While this posture is disrespectful in any culture, it is not appropriate in any executive setting. Further, in over half of the cultures of the world, it is recognized not only as disrespectful, but as an extreme insult. He thinks of himself as a king, not a servant of the people, humbly occupying our White House for his term in office.
Electing him was an enormous mistake and will cost us in many ways, for generations."
--author unkown
The audacity of chutzpah
An AP story quotes the President as saying it's time for Democrats and Republicans to work hard because the American people "expect a seriousness of purpose that transcends petty politics."
According to the story he "promised to do his part - but warned he would take Republicans to task if they don't do the same." Let me translate that statement for you. He intends to put his face in front of all the liberal media outlets again and again until the Republicans agree to come on board with him and liberal Democrats to share the blame for the mess we're in. So long as Republicans are smart enough not to share that blame by taking part in what Obama and the Democrats call bi-partisanship. Not to worry, though; he'll still blame it all on George Bush.
I want the Republicans to be the 'party of "no". The American people are tired of this Narcissism from the anointed one.
Obama and his ilk keep preaching that we need to end this partisanship, yet they ooze partisanship at every turn. Obama is quoted as saying, "I won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party, but I also won't hesitate to condemn...what I consider to be obstinacy."
Two things: When the "minority party" offers good ideas he calls it partisanship. When they refuse to come on board a sinking ship he calls them the party of, "no". I find a certain irony in this President speaking of obstinacy.
According to the story he "promised to do his part - but warned he would take Republicans to task if they don't do the same." Let me translate that statement for you. He intends to put his face in front of all the liberal media outlets again and again until the Republicans agree to come on board with him and liberal Democrats to share the blame for the mess we're in. So long as Republicans are smart enough not to share that blame by taking part in what Obama and the Democrats call bi-partisanship. Not to worry, though; he'll still blame it all on George Bush.
I want the Republicans to be the 'party of "no". The American people are tired of this Narcissism from the anointed one.
Obama and his ilk keep preaching that we need to end this partisanship, yet they ooze partisanship at every turn. Obama is quoted as saying, "I won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party, but I also won't hesitate to condemn...what I consider to be obstinacy."
Two things: When the "minority party" offers good ideas he calls it partisanship. When they refuse to come on board a sinking ship he calls them the party of, "no". I find a certain irony in this President speaking of obstinacy.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Palin in 2012?
Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012 according to a Fox News exclusive.
Sarah says she would put her credentials up against Obama any day.
I've been saying the same thing for a year. Everyone was challenging Sarah Palin's credentials to be V.P. V.P.? Look at what we elected as President of the United States; someone who has credentials that would make for a lush green lawn if you spread it.
I don't know about you but I've had about all the 'hope and change' in the White House that I can handle in one lifetime.
Sarah says she would put her credentials up against Obama any day.
I've been saying the same thing for a year. Everyone was challenging Sarah Palin's credentials to be V.P. V.P.? Look at what we elected as President of the United States; someone who has credentials that would make for a lush green lawn if you spread it.
I don't know about you but I've had about all the 'hope and change' in the White House that I can handle in one lifetime.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Premier of Canada heads south for medical care.
President Obama and the Liberals keep touting the Canadian socialized health care. Oh, really?
Here's a news flash: The Premier of Canada's East Coast Province just came south to America for heart treatment. Seems Candada doesn't have the treatment that Danny Williams needs; it was never an option in Canada.
Obama still doesn't get it, though. He still wants to use football analogies to explain to us that we're in the red zone and we need to "punch through".
Mr. President, you don't even have the ball.
Here's a news flash: The Premier of Canada's East Coast Province just came south to America for heart treatment. Seems Candada doesn't have the treatment that Danny Williams needs; it was never an option in Canada.
Obama still doesn't get it, though. He still wants to use football analogies to explain to us that we're in the red zone and we need to "punch through".
Mr. President, you don't even have the ball.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Great President - as defined by Obama
Well, he's blown his chance to be a great one-term President, and it's bloody unlikely he'll have a chance to be a mediocre - or any other kind of - two-term President. So where does that leave him? Maybe Barry and Rahm Emmanuel can work up a stand-up comedy act. They can call it the Second City Sleazebags.
Is 'global warming' getting a chilly reception?
Anyone who challenges the global warming claims is usually met with claims of nothing short of blasphemy, normally.
It seems we're seeing increasing evidence that the global warming scientists who make these claims of global doom are being somewhat disingenuous and not telling us, "...the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Much like athletes who claim they didn't use performance enhancing drugs, we're finding more about how much we've been mislead.
Stolen e-mails show the university Calimatic Research Unit attempted to prevent requests for scientific data and other information. Their scientists have admitted that the rate of glacial melt in the Himalayas have been grossly exagerated, according to a A.P. story. I am mortified!
Always follow the money trail and see who stands to make money if mandates are passed. Remember, these folks receive grants from those who stand to make LOTS of money. They are likely to be disinclined to give those grants to scientists who don't support their agenda.
Much like the Tiger Woods scandal, I believe we're going to find more dirt as we turn over the rocks.
It seems we're seeing increasing evidence that the global warming scientists who make these claims of global doom are being somewhat disingenuous and not telling us, "...the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Much like athletes who claim they didn't use performance enhancing drugs, we're finding more about how much we've been mislead.
Stolen e-mails show the university Calimatic Research Unit attempted to prevent requests for scientific data and other information. Their scientists have admitted that the rate of glacial melt in the Himalayas have been grossly exagerated, according to a A.P. story. I am mortified!
Always follow the money trail and see who stands to make money if mandates are passed. Remember, these folks receive grants from those who stand to make LOTS of money. They are likely to be disinclined to give those grants to scientists who don't support their agenda.
Much like the Tiger Woods scandal, I believe we're going to find more dirt as we turn over the rocks.
Is there a knick in the Obama Teflon?
Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo, chairman of the Armed Services Committee wasn't bashful about expressing his take on President Obama's performance.
Skelton had the following to say:
"Somewhere along the line, the White House lost it's way. Instead of focusing on solutions to help America's families wade through the wreckage of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, Washington has wasted valuable time wrestling with partisan politics in a effort to rush through drastic reforms that do not directly address our most immediate needs."
Skelton had the following to say:
"Somewhere along the line, the White House lost it's way. Instead of focusing on solutions to help America's families wade through the wreckage of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, Washington has wasted valuable time wrestling with partisan politics in a effort to rush through drastic reforms that do not directly address our most immediate needs."
What about all those mortgages that were going to be saved?
How are those promises of millions of mortgages in jeopardy of being foreclosed on being saved?
Well, according to a watchdog group's report, the promise of millions of mortgages being re-negotiated is, in actuality only about 66,000. So, where has all the money gone to? Never mind, Obama wants us to just "trust" him.
And now we're being told Obama's new jobs plan will likely cost $billions. Who wouldn't be in favor of the giving him even more of our hard-earned money to "create jobs" -- even if they are in districts that don't exist? After all, we've seen how well it's worked so far, no? And even if no jobs are really created he can still blame it on Bush; that's been their m.o. so far. I see no sign of it changing anytime in the near future.
Well, according to a watchdog group's report, the promise of millions of mortgages being re-negotiated is, in actuality only about 66,000. So, where has all the money gone to? Never mind, Obama wants us to just "trust" him.
And now we're being told Obama's new jobs plan will likely cost $billions. Who wouldn't be in favor of the giving him even more of our hard-earned money to "create jobs" -- even if they are in districts that don't exist? After all, we've seen how well it's worked so far, no? And even if no jobs are really created he can still blame it on Bush; that's been their m.o. so far. I see no sign of it changing anytime in the near future.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fiscal responsibility, as defined by Obama
Apparently the administration defines fiscal responsibility as boasting you've cut spending by $15 billion and then spending $1.35 trillion that we don't have. He says American families have to do it all the time. Absolutely, I can remember doing that many times.
Obama also is reportedly seeking a partial three-year spending freeze.
Isn't this the same President who chastised President Bush for doing the same thing, claiming that he was taking a hatchet to something that required a scalpel?
Not to worry; rumor has it there are plans for another so-called stimulus package. Things that make you go, hummmmmn? We're going to cut spending by $15 billion but increase spending by $1.35 trillion. We haven't spent the last stimulus money but we're going to request more of it -- possibly for more jobs in those districts that don't exist.
I keep hoping that anytime now someone is going to come up to the American public and tell us that all of this bad joke didn't really happen; that we were just 'punked'.
Update: 02/01/2010
More fiscal responsibility from the anointed one:
After the President made claims last week of fiscal responsibility from his administration he sent Congress a $3.8 Trillion (with a 'T') budget. Is there anything that comes out of this President's mouth that is the truth?
Obama also is reportedly seeking a partial three-year spending freeze.
Isn't this the same President who chastised President Bush for doing the same thing, claiming that he was taking a hatchet to something that required a scalpel?
Not to worry; rumor has it there are plans for another so-called stimulus package. Things that make you go, hummmmmn? We're going to cut spending by $15 billion but increase spending by $1.35 trillion. We haven't spent the last stimulus money but we're going to request more of it -- possibly for more jobs in those districts that don't exist.
I keep hoping that anytime now someone is going to come up to the American public and tell us that all of this bad joke didn't really happen; that we were just 'punked'.
Update: 02/01/2010
More fiscal responsibility from the anointed one:
After the President made claims last week of fiscal responsibility from his administration he sent Congress a $3.8 Trillion (with a 'T') budget. Is there anything that comes out of this President's mouth that is the truth?
Highest number of jobs lost in one day
In a time when we're bombarded with claims from the administration that millions of jobs have been "saved" or created how do you explain the fact that yesterday set a record for the most jobs lost in one day -- 54,500? Remember, that's in one day.
Here's a reality check: We've lost almost 4 million jobs since this President took office and I'm bored of hearing him constantly blame everything from this mess to acid reflux on his predecessor.
Oh, and how exactly do you prove you saved a job?
Not to worry; I'm certain it will be blamed on George Bush, even though Obama has been in office for a year. This President refuses to accept blame for his policies.
Here's a reality check: We've lost almost 4 million jobs since this President took office and I'm bored of hearing him constantly blame everything from this mess to acid reflux on his predecessor.
Oh, and how exactly do you prove you saved a job?
Not to worry; I'm certain it will be blamed on George Bush, even though Obama has been in office for a year. This President refuses to accept blame for his policies.
bravo sierra statement of the month
"The promises of transparency have been executed."
--President Barack Obama
In a word... Huh??
For those who have seen the movie, The Princess Bride you'll remember the line , "I do not believe this word means what you think it means." Inconceivable!
--President Barack Obama
In a word... Huh??
For those who have seen the movie, The Princess Bride you'll remember the line , "I do not believe this word means what you think it means." Inconceivable!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
It's not just a river in Egypt
This should dispel any doubts that you may have had as to whether this administration is in denial. The following is a quote from an AP story today:
"The White House is evaluating whether to take a breather on health care or try to push for passing legislation, but is not convinced Massachusetts voters were trying to block health insurance reform by voting last week to send Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Sunday."
Need I say more? Of course I will; what was I thinking?
I'd ask how stupid can they be but it's apparent they're goal-oriented and all we have to do is give them something to shoot for.
"The White House is evaluating whether to take a breather on health care or try to push for passing legislation, but is not convinced Massachusetts voters were trying to block health insurance reform by voting last week to send Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Sunday."
Need I say more? Of course I will; what was I thinking?
I'd ask how stupid can they be but it's apparent they're goal-oriented and all we have to do is give them something to shoot for.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Ooops, I've done it again!
No it isn't Brittney Spears singing.
It appears a U.N. Climate Change expert has found more errors in the claims of environmental hysteria.
The Indian head of the U.N climate change panel claimed the Himalayan mountains would be void of glaciers by the year 2035. It seems he was about 315 years off in his Nobel-winning report. It would appear that this isn't the only fallacy in his report. Despite all of the inaccuracies that the global warming alarmists and the media love to parrot as fact, Pachauri claims the false data in the report was an accident and he has no intention of resigning.
This is just one more of a series of revelations about just how far off the rantings of the global-warming crowd is. Will this stop them from continuing to repeat this false data as fact? Not likely. As a matter of fact, I'd lay odds against it. I see that happening about as quickly as I see Sarah Brady and the anti-gun crowd admitting that the report by Prof. Kellerman, claiming that you're "43 times as likely to kill a family member if you own a firearm" report is a farce; despite Kellerman himself admitting the report is flawed because it only defines "defensive use of a firearm" if you actually kill you assailant.
Before I get hate mail from anyone, I'm not advocating that we trash the planet. I live here, too. So do my grand kids. You can't make a bunch of dramatic policy changes (many of which are being steared by foreign countries that really don't like us very much or people who stand to make a LOT of money from this).
Oh well, their mind is made up; don't confuse them with the facts.
It appears a U.N. Climate Change expert has found more errors in the claims of environmental hysteria.
The Indian head of the U.N climate change panel claimed the Himalayan mountains would be void of glaciers by the year 2035. It seems he was about 315 years off in his Nobel-winning report. It would appear that this isn't the only fallacy in his report. Despite all of the inaccuracies that the global warming alarmists and the media love to parrot as fact, Pachauri claims the false data in the report was an accident and he has no intention of resigning.
This is just one more of a series of revelations about just how far off the rantings of the global-warming crowd is. Will this stop them from continuing to repeat this false data as fact? Not likely. As a matter of fact, I'd lay odds against it. I see that happening about as quickly as I see Sarah Brady and the anti-gun crowd admitting that the report by Prof. Kellerman, claiming that you're "43 times as likely to kill a family member if you own a firearm" report is a farce; despite Kellerman himself admitting the report is flawed because it only defines "defensive use of a firearm" if you actually kill you assailant.
Before I get hate mail from anyone, I'm not advocating that we trash the planet. I live here, too. So do my grand kids. You can't make a bunch of dramatic policy changes (many of which are being steared by foreign countries that really don't like us very much or people who stand to make a LOT of money from this).
Oh well, their mind is made up; don't confuse them with the facts.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Obama wins another one for the GOP
The results are just in and Scott Brown has dealt a stunning defeat to the Democrats in Massacusetts, thanks to the help of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the Dems who have had the audacity (to borrow a term from President Obama) to try to ignore the will of the people.
The people have asked for transparency, which Obama promised when he was campaigning and has yet to provide. We said we wanted less government intrusion, in stark contrast to Obama taking over car companies, banks and health care. The Dems have made sweetheart deals to certain politicians in order to try to cram this monstrosity of a bill down our throats.
It is my understanding that Michael Steele of the RNC has suggested that they use part of the RNC's PAC money to send Obama to stump for Democrats in other key races. That's in stark contrast to the Dems who reportedly are sending the President on vacation again till the mid term races are over and even into the 2012 elections. It seems Barack has somewhat of a reverse 'Midas touch'. Everything he touches turns to something quite different than gold. It seems to be a guaranteed defeat for anyone he stumps for. Let's hope he shows up for his own re-election in 2012; it should make things easier for the Republicans to take back the White House.
On the plus side Brown has made a number of positive promises in his acceptance speech. Let's hope he follows through on them and it sends a clear message to the Republicans who made a lot of promises and failed to follow through.
As a final thought one has to wonder if the Democrats will actually choose Obama to carry the torch for them in 2012, as is customary. The Kool Aid drinkers have to be choking on their own Kool Aid and wondering how to spin this as not being a referendum. You know Harry Reid isn't a happy camper; he knows that he's about to join the ranks of the unemployed and the Narcissistic Obama should be realizing by now that the nation is tired of him trying to run the country like it's Chicago. Sleezy politics have been exposed by the man who promised something quite different and the chickens are coming home to roost.
The people have asked for transparency, which Obama promised when he was campaigning and has yet to provide. We said we wanted less government intrusion, in stark contrast to Obama taking over car companies, banks and health care. The Dems have made sweetheart deals to certain politicians in order to try to cram this monstrosity of a bill down our throats.
It is my understanding that Michael Steele of the RNC has suggested that they use part of the RNC's PAC money to send Obama to stump for Democrats in other key races. That's in stark contrast to the Dems who reportedly are sending the President on vacation again till the mid term races are over and even into the 2012 elections. It seems Barack has somewhat of a reverse 'Midas touch'. Everything he touches turns to something quite different than gold. It seems to be a guaranteed defeat for anyone he stumps for. Let's hope he shows up for his own re-election in 2012; it should make things easier for the Republicans to take back the White House.
On the plus side Brown has made a number of positive promises in his acceptance speech. Let's hope he follows through on them and it sends a clear message to the Republicans who made a lot of promises and failed to follow through.
As a final thought one has to wonder if the Democrats will actually choose Obama to carry the torch for them in 2012, as is customary. The Kool Aid drinkers have to be choking on their own Kool Aid and wondering how to spin this as not being a referendum. You know Harry Reid isn't a happy camper; he knows that he's about to join the ranks of the unemployed and the Narcissistic Obama should be realizing by now that the nation is tired of him trying to run the country like it's Chicago. Sleezy politics have been exposed by the man who promised something quite different and the chickens are coming home to roost.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Looking for an alternative to anti-gun AARP?
The following is a reply to my query to American Seniors Association. I consider them to be a much better alternative to AARP. AARP, as you know supports restrictive gun laws and Obama's health care bill. As a matter of fact, they seem to support just about everything that I don't support.
Annotate, Print
your stance on the 2nd Amendment
twep10/02/09 23:50
For years I've been courted by AARP.I sent them a letter several years ago informing them that I'd consider joining AARP when they stopped giving membership dues to anti-gun organizations.
They sent me back a reply stating that they had an obligation to protect the welfare of their members and that was why they gave money to organization of that nature. I wrote back, asking them to explain, logically how they were looking after the welfare of their members wasting the member's money on feel-good legislation.
I'll get to the point: What is the policy of American Seniors Association regarding the private ownership of firearms by law-abiding Americans? I can tell you that I'm already impressed by your refusal to support liberal candidates like AARP does.
Sincerely,Bernie Oliver
Raegan Baker10/03/09 18:44
We are Constitutionalists and believe in upholding the whole of it, including the second amendment. Thank you for your interest in the American Seniors Association. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions. Membership Services American Seniors Association 3700 Mansell Road Suite # 220 Alpharetta, GA 30022 1-800-951-0017
Annotate, Print
your stance on the 2nd Amendment
twep10/02/09 23:50
For years I've been courted by AARP.I sent them a letter several years ago informing them that I'd consider joining AARP when they stopped giving membership dues to anti-gun organizations.
They sent me back a reply stating that they had an obligation to protect the welfare of their members and that was why they gave money to organization of that nature. I wrote back, asking them to explain, logically how they were looking after the welfare of their members wasting the member's money on feel-good legislation.
I'll get to the point: What is the policy of American Seniors Association regarding the private ownership of firearms by law-abiding Americans? I can tell you that I'm already impressed by your refusal to support liberal candidates like AARP does.
Sincerely,Bernie Oliver
Raegan Baker10/03/09 18:44
We are Constitutionalists and believe in upholding the whole of it, including the second amendment. Thank you for your interest in the American Seniors Association. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions. Membership Services American Seniors Association 3700 Mansell Road Suite # 220 Alpharetta, GA 30022 1-800-951-0017
Is Obama black enough?
I admit it; I don't understand the consensus from many who describe Barack Obama as 'America's first black President'. His mother was white. Moreover, why would this matter?
Apparently, it does matter to some voters. Despite Obama's popularity being the lowest of any President in history and an historic (speaking of historic) unemployment rate, home foreclosures at a staggering rate and an administration that has no qualms about making promises and breaking them. He and his ilk also have no problem saying they are representing the people, despite the polls showing that the majority are opposed the Obama's health care bill.
It is no shock that blacks have traditionally bought into the claim that Democrats represent blacks more than Republicans. Based on what? The common thread that follows the poorest cities in the nation is they are all ran by Democrats. It has been this way for years. I hasten to remind the reader of the definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different result".
When you ask Obama supporters what, exactly he has done to make the nation better you will often find yourself trying to defend yourself from claims of racism. I personally don't have a problem with us having a black President. There are many blacks who I would vote for in a heartbeat -- not because they are or are not black, but because I agree with their policies.
Two things: 1. My problem with Obama is his policies; not the hue of his skin.
2. Isn't Obama half white?
It appears some of the Teflon is beginning to wear off the President. Still, many blacks continue to defend Obama even if they can't tell you exactly why in any substantive terms.
The administration seems willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the much-hated health care bill is passed. This seems to be a make or break issue for the President. He has a series of failures and his stumping for fellow liberal Democrats hasn't exactly provided guaranteed stellar results. As a matter of fact, it looks to me to be about 0 for 3.
Despite the attempt to lock Republicans out of the health care negotiations and the back room deals given to New Orelans and Nebraska, Dems continue to look into the news cameras and claim the Republicans have been invited to the negotiations but walked away and the negotiations have been the most open in history. Huh?? But who are you going to believe -- the folks who have been caught lying over and over to us or your lying eyes and ears?
Apparently, it does matter to some voters. Despite Obama's popularity being the lowest of any President in history and an historic (speaking of historic) unemployment rate, home foreclosures at a staggering rate and an administration that has no qualms about making promises and breaking them. He and his ilk also have no problem saying they are representing the people, despite the polls showing that the majority are opposed the Obama's health care bill.
It is no shock that blacks have traditionally bought into the claim that Democrats represent blacks more than Republicans. Based on what? The common thread that follows the poorest cities in the nation is they are all ran by Democrats. It has been this way for years. I hasten to remind the reader of the definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different result".
When you ask Obama supporters what, exactly he has done to make the nation better you will often find yourself trying to defend yourself from claims of racism. I personally don't have a problem with us having a black President. There are many blacks who I would vote for in a heartbeat -- not because they are or are not black, but because I agree with their policies.
Two things: 1. My problem with Obama is his policies; not the hue of his skin.
2. Isn't Obama half white?
It appears some of the Teflon is beginning to wear off the President. Still, many blacks continue to defend Obama even if they can't tell you exactly why in any substantive terms.
The administration seems willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the much-hated health care bill is passed. This seems to be a make or break issue for the President. He has a series of failures and his stumping for fellow liberal Democrats hasn't exactly provided guaranteed stellar results. As a matter of fact, it looks to me to be about 0 for 3.
Despite the attempt to lock Republicans out of the health care negotiations and the back room deals given to New Orelans and Nebraska, Dems continue to look into the news cameras and claim the Republicans have been invited to the negotiations but walked away and the negotiations have been the most open in history. Huh?? But who are you going to believe -- the folks who have been caught lying over and over to us or your lying eyes and ears?
No comment from me necessary. I'm interested in hearing your feedback, though.
Monday, January 11, 2010
NRA board member to run for AZ governor
The Arizona Daily Star has reported that a virtual political unknown is running against current governor Jan Brewer.
He may be an unknown in the political community but certainly not to the gun community.
Owen Buz Mills, owner of the Arizona firearms training center, Gunsite is also on the NRA Board of directors. Mills has thrown nearly $2.1 million of his own booty to run and should prove to be a formidable challenger.
This could prove to be an interesting race.
He may be an unknown in the political community but certainly not to the gun community.
Owen Buz Mills, owner of the Arizona firearms training center, Gunsite is also on the NRA Board of directors. Mills has thrown nearly $2.1 million of his own booty to run and should prove to be a formidable challenger.
This could prove to be an interesting race.
Fraud within the U.N.? Say it ain't so.
U.N. Aid Agency’s main accomplishment seems to be fraud. Who knew??
According to a Fox News story by George Russell the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) squandered more than $330 million on little known U.N. agency known as UNOPS – United Nations Office for Project Services. Don’t you just love all these acronyms and fancy titles? The money was supposed to be used to carry out development aid projects in Afghanistan, according to Russell. What followed was the typical U.N. chicanery we’ve come to expect from them.
USAID decided to look the other way, rather than address a growing mountain of evidence that pointed to fraud within the organization. It appears that every effort was made to facilitate hiding the fraud and loopholes were created to that end.
The findings didn’t even become public until the report came out on Nov. 19 to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee. The report was originally commissioned by GAO and then hidden for another month, according to Russell.
It wasn’t made public until Dec. 17, just prior to the Christmas break.
Of course Obama will claim this money is needed in order to support the efforts in Afghanistan.
Because new UNOPS rules were changed to give only limited access to Executive Board members no criminal charges are expected. UNOPS members operate under U.N. diplomatic immunity.
And these clowns wonder why we don’t trust them. Imagine that. Not to worry though or in the words of Sean Hannity, “Let not your heart be troubled.” GAO officials have quietly and politely suggested that Hillary Clinton work with them in “continued management reforms”. It could work. I could win the lottery, too.
According to a Fox News story by George Russell the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) squandered more than $330 million on little known U.N. agency known as UNOPS – United Nations Office for Project Services. Don’t you just love all these acronyms and fancy titles? The money was supposed to be used to carry out development aid projects in Afghanistan, according to Russell. What followed was the typical U.N. chicanery we’ve come to expect from them.
USAID decided to look the other way, rather than address a growing mountain of evidence that pointed to fraud within the organization. It appears that every effort was made to facilitate hiding the fraud and loopholes were created to that end.
The findings didn’t even become public until the report came out on Nov. 19 to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee. The report was originally commissioned by GAO and then hidden for another month, according to Russell.
It wasn’t made public until Dec. 17, just prior to the Christmas break.
Of course Obama will claim this money is needed in order to support the efforts in Afghanistan.
Because new UNOPS rules were changed to give only limited access to Executive Board members no criminal charges are expected. UNOPS members operate under U.N. diplomatic immunity.
And these clowns wonder why we don’t trust them. Imagine that. Not to worry though or in the words of Sean Hannity, “Let not your heart be troubled.” GAO officials have quietly and politely suggested that Hillary Clinton work with them in “continued management reforms”. It could work. I could win the lottery, too.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Most notorious outdoor sports writer
My good friend Guy Sagi is editor and chief of the NRA's Shooting Illustrated Magazine.
Guy has a blog at
The blog is Fear and Loading. Catchy title.
I highly recommend visiting Guy's blog often. He has a take-no-prisoners approach to his writing. Even Chuck Norris is afraid of Guy.
Guy has a blog at
The blog is Fear and Loading. Catchy title.
I highly recommend visiting Guy's blog often. He has a take-no-prisoners approach to his writing. Even Chuck Norris is afraid of Guy.
AZ lawmaker wants to allow guns on campus
If AZ Senator Jack Harper, R-Surprise, has his way, faculty members will get the chance to carry a concealed firearm on campus.
Harper says the bill would only apply to faculty members at first, rationalizing that his decision to narrow it to faculty members at first is purely political. The long-time Senator says it's best to start with a bill that you think you can get passed and then negotiate from there.
Administrators, clerical staff and even the University President would be excluded from being allowed to legally carry a concealed firearm.
Naturally, we have the usual list of suspects who claim it isn't a good idea to allow firearms on campus. They would include Northern Arizona University spokesman Lisa Nelson. Nelson makes the cliche statement of, "NAU continues to believe that a weapons-free campus constitutes a living and learning environment for a university." Pleeeeeeeeeeease, Lisa. Do you really think someone intent on committing carnage on the university is going to care about your Utopian thoughts of doves flying overhead and candy man dreams? Perhaps you believe the presence of a firearm is going to suddenly turn people into raving lunatics. Maybe your mind works in that manner. The rest of us have a normal-functioning brain.
Pima Community College Chancellor Roy Flores doesn't babble to Nelson's degree, but doesn't fair much better.
UofA spokesman Paul Allvin questions what would happen if "...someone bent on violence were to try to get that weapon [from a faculty member carrying a concealed firearm]."
Well, Pauly, we already know what happens when no one but the bad guy has a weapon, don't we. Maybe we should try it our way and see if it could possibly be any worse than being like a fish in a barrel.
Harper says the bill would only apply to faculty members at first, rationalizing that his decision to narrow it to faculty members at first is purely political. The long-time Senator says it's best to start with a bill that you think you can get passed and then negotiate from there.
Administrators, clerical staff and even the University President would be excluded from being allowed to legally carry a concealed firearm.
Naturally, we have the usual list of suspects who claim it isn't a good idea to allow firearms on campus. They would include Northern Arizona University spokesman Lisa Nelson. Nelson makes the cliche statement of, "NAU continues to believe that a weapons-free campus constitutes a living and learning environment for a university." Pleeeeeeeeeeease, Lisa. Do you really think someone intent on committing carnage on the university is going to care about your Utopian thoughts of doves flying overhead and candy man dreams? Perhaps you believe the presence of a firearm is going to suddenly turn people into raving lunatics. Maybe your mind works in that manner. The rest of us have a normal-functioning brain.
Pima Community College Chancellor Roy Flores doesn't babble to Nelson's degree, but doesn't fair much better.
UofA spokesman Paul Allvin questions what would happen if "...someone bent on violence were to try to get that weapon [from a faculty member carrying a concealed firearm]."
Well, Pauly, we already know what happens when no one but the bad guy has a weapon, don't we. Maybe we should try it our way and see if it could possibly be any worse than being like a fish in a barrel.
Friday, January 8, 2010
More hypocricy from the anti-gun side
North Carolina State Senator R.C. Soles has never been bashful about making his views clear on private ownership of firearms -- It seems he doesn't believe that you should have one. He does believe that he should have one, though.
When two individuals reportedly broke into his home he allegedly shot one of them. The victim received non-life-threatening injuries.
Soles has always made it clear that he doesn't believe that you and I should have a firearm to defend ourselves, but had no problem using one in defense of himself. He's not looking at charges against him.
There are a number of his ilk who claim we shouldn't be permitted to have firearms to defend ourselves but always seem to have one for themselves. What hypocrites!
When two individuals reportedly broke into his home he allegedly shot one of them. The victim received non-life-threatening injuries.
Soles has always made it clear that he doesn't believe that you and I should have a firearm to defend ourselves, but had no problem using one in defense of himself. He's not looking at charges against him.
There are a number of his ilk who claim we shouldn't be permitted to have firearms to defend ourselves but always seem to have one for themselves. What hypocrites!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Once again, the inmates are running the show
Once again, the most overturned appeals court in the land, the 9th circuit has removed any doubt that they are whacked!
In a 2-1 ruling the 9th circuit has deemed that felons in Washington should be allowed to vote.
The ruling was based on what the court deemed to be a disparity in the number of blacks in prison.
Absolutely amazing! Hey, I have an idea; if you are a "person of color" and you want to commit a crime, you'll have to check to see how many blacks are already in prison. If there is a disparity then you'll just have to wait till next fiscal before committing a crime.
Am I the only one who finds this incredibly insane?? There is a disparity of blacks in the NBA and the NFL, too. Should we replace some very talented athletes who have earned a place on the team with a white person who may be less talented in the name of equality?
In a 2-1 ruling the 9th circuit has deemed that felons in Washington should be allowed to vote.
The ruling was based on what the court deemed to be a disparity in the number of blacks in prison.
Absolutely amazing! Hey, I have an idea; if you are a "person of color" and you want to commit a crime, you'll have to check to see how many blacks are already in prison. If there is a disparity then you'll just have to wait till next fiscal before committing a crime.
Am I the only one who finds this incredibly insane?? There is a disparity of blacks in the NBA and the NFL, too. Should we replace some very talented athletes who have earned a place on the team with a white person who may be less talented in the name of equality?
New York City-Funded Guide Teaches How to Shoot Heroin Safely
Is New York City smoking crack??
The AP story says New York city's Department of health has antied up $32,000 of tax payer money to supply heroin addicts 70,000 pamphlets on how to "prepare drugs carefully and care for veins to avoid infection."
Can you say, natural selection? If you're a heroin addict and you die because you didn't "prepare drugs carefully and care for your veins to avoid infection" and you die -- too bad.
Pardon me if I don't have a proclivity to be PC.
The AP story says New York city's Department of health has antied up $32,000 of tax payer money to supply heroin addicts 70,000 pamphlets on how to "prepare drugs carefully and care for veins to avoid infection."
Can you say, natural selection? If you're a heroin addict and you die because you didn't "prepare drugs carefully and care for your veins to avoid infection" and you die -- too bad.
Pardon me if I don't have a proclivity to be PC.
Just dial 911.
The anti-gun crowd is fond of telling us that we don't need a firearm -- that's what the police are for. Just dial 911.
The following was reported in an AP story. 911 wouldn't have helped -- a firearm would possibly made a difference. Couldn't have been any worse.
"MILFORD, N.H. — One of the men charged with killing a woman in her bed told police his only regret was that he didn't also succeed in killing her 11-year-old daughter, who was sleeping in the same room, according to police documents released Tuesday."
The following was reported in an AP story. 911 wouldn't have helped -- a firearm would possibly made a difference. Couldn't have been any worse.
"MILFORD, N.H. — One of the men charged with killing a woman in her bed told police his only regret was that he didn't also succeed in killing her 11-year-old daughter, who was sleeping in the same room, according to police documents released Tuesday."
"Transperancy"? We don't need no stinking transperancy.
When Obama was campaigning against Hillary Clinton he promised transperancy. He assured us that we would see everything on CSpan so we could all see what was going on for ourselves.
Well folks, it appears he was a crap salesman with a mouth full of samples.
Now, the head of CSpan is calling the President on it. White House spokeman, Robert Gibbs would only say that there has been plenty of transperancy and Nancy Pelosi says there has never been such openess. Huh? This President and his ilk have done nothing but backroom deals, smoke and mirrors and shell games.
How about all of the non-existent jobs that were reportedly created in districts and zip codes that don't exist!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but this administration is convinced that it can fool all of us all of the time. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
-- The Great OZ
Well folks, it appears he was a crap salesman with a mouth full of samples.
Now, the head of CSpan is calling the President on it. White House spokeman, Robert Gibbs would only say that there has been plenty of transperancy and Nancy Pelosi says there has never been such openess. Huh? This President and his ilk have done nothing but backroom deals, smoke and mirrors and shell games.
How about all of the non-existent jobs that were reportedly created in districts and zip codes that don't exist!
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but this administration is convinced that it can fool all of us all of the time. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
-- The Great OZ
Monday, January 4, 2010
Shot across the bow
I read the news, watch television and listen to those around me. I generally have some comment on what I observe and I'm not known to be bashful about commenting.
I comment on everything from those who would try to disarm law-abiding Americans to idiots who use their infant child as a shield against being tasered to NYC printing pamphlets, teaching heroine users how to "safely" use needles for their heroine habit. And that's just today. Ergo: the title of my blog. But that's just me.
You don't have to agree with me to post, but you do have to be able to offer some logic for your views.
Have you observed something in the news or witnessed first hand and would like to throw it into the stew? Here's your chance. Bon appetite.
I comment on everything from those who would try to disarm law-abiding Americans to idiots who use their infant child as a shield against being tasered to NYC printing pamphlets, teaching heroine users how to "safely" use needles for their heroine habit. And that's just today. Ergo: the title of my blog. But that's just me.
You don't have to agree with me to post, but you do have to be able to offer some logic for your views.
Have you observed something in the news or witnessed first hand and would like to throw it into the stew? Here's your chance. Bon appetite.
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