Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"We just want to be Americans." How many times have we heard that Mexicans in this country illegally just want to become Americans? Really? Then why is it that every time they're telling us that they're waving the Mexican flag and pumping their fists in the air? How would I be treated if I was in Mexico, waving an American flag and protesting? It's a rhetorical question because we both know the answer to that question. I would be dead or in a Mexican jail and not treated with the kindness and kid (pardon the pun) gloves that these teens are being met with.
The Arizona Daily Star article shows a group of about 40 Tucson High students who walked out of their classes to join a reported 100 or so more teens at Armory park in Tucson to protest AZ state senate bill 1070.
The AZ Star article says "SB 1070 would overrule any policy or procedure of a city council or police department that keeps officers from enforcing federal immigration laws."
I have some thoughts on the subject (who knew?). Let's begin with the definition of illegal:Adjective; prohibited by law; against the law; unlawful; illicit; also, not authorized or sanctioned, as by rules.It is illegal for citizens of Mexico or any other country to enter the United States illegally. Entering the U.S. without proper documentation is illegal and therefore subject to criminal prosecution. Why are we even discussing this issue? Should we also have protests to prevent the police from enforcing drunk driving laws or other laws that are in place?
We're constantly told that we can't just deport these folks who are here illegall because, "They're just here doing those jobs that us Americans don't want to do and it would break up families."
Why not? Did they not know they were breaking the law when they snuck into the U.S.? Should rapists and murders also be spared in the name of not wanting to break families up? Sound like a ridiculous analogy? I don't think so. As a matter of fact, many of those here illegally are people who have raped and murdered and then use the border like a turn style at Disneyland to avoid prosecution.
Are some Mexicans here illegally who are just trying to earn a better living? Sure, but they are still here illegally and need to go through the proper channels. I will acknowledge that the immigration system is in need of overhaul. That doesn't mean that it be streamlined to allow an expressway to the U.S. There are reasons for immigration policy. We can't allow the U.S. to become even more over-populated with immigrants. We only have so many resources available and those resources should go to those in this country legally.
If you don't live in Arizona you may not be cognizant of the violence that comes across the Mexican border. And I'm up to here with those who claim enforcement of immigration laws are "mean-spirited"! Pima County Sheriff's Department had to add one sergeant and 7 deputies because fully 37% of the violent crimes in Pima County, where Tucson, AZ is located is committed by Mexicans here illegally.How about the red light runner cameras designed to catch red light runners? Mexicans here illegally don't have to worry about it because Mexico won't share the info with the U.S. that would show who owned the vehicle. It doesn't end there. It goes much, much further.
A Douglas, AZ rancher was just murdered and they traced the tracks back to the Mexican border. This is far from an isolated incident. Why should the Mexican here illegally receive preferential treatment over other groups of individuals here illegally?
Another comment I have is about the teens who decided to skip class at school and carry Mexican flags and pump their fists in the air. I would opine you couldn't find a handful of them who could give you a cogent argument about why immigration law should be ignored nor could you find a single one who could present a valid argument as to why ignoring the law is good for America.
Some things never change. These are a bunch of rebels without a clue, it got them out of class, albeit it wasn't authorized by the school and will be an unexcused absence and it fed their need for behaving badly. It's the same mentality that causes basketball fans to overturn cars and set fire to things when their team wins the championship. The same group will behave the same way if their team loses the championship. Everything and anything is an excuse to behave badly. By the way, note the average age of these "demonstrators". 14-15 years old by my guess. I also wonder how many of them have parents or family members who are in this country illegally.
Lord knows I've organized my share of protest marches. I've organized large demonstrations when Sarah Brady came to town. I've done the same when the so-called, "million moms" wanted to march. The difference being they were organized protests, I was able to provide a valid position and even more; I wasn't protesting against enforcement of an illegal activity.
Several years ago Ronald Reagan offered up an amnesty that was suppose to be the amnesty to end amnesties for those here illegally. Obviously, it didn't end the flow of illegals coming into the U.S. Rest assured if we had another amnesty it wouldn't slow the flow one iota.
We need to start enforcing our immigration laws. If not now, when?
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